Neighborhood Challenges


We welcome your interest in becoming a Sponsor of the  Old North End Neighborhood! ONEN represents over 1,800 households in one of Colorado Springs’ oldest and most historic neighborhoods.  ONEN supports community programs such as historic preservation, tree reforestation, neighborhood security, streetscape improvements, and numerous community-building resident get-togethers.

As an ONEN sponsor, your company’s message will reach an involved community of dedicated long-term residents as well as new families who have chosen to live in this most desirable neighborhood. 

Benefits of Sponsorship include:

  • A presence on the ONEN Facebook page and ONEN website which are both vitally important community resources for information.  With almost 2300 Facebook followers  and ????visits to our website, ONEN is a trusted and sought-after source of community information.
  • Ongoing visibility on ONEN’s regularly occurring newsletter and e-mail blasts which contain information of interest to our neighbors. 
  • For our new sponsors, a dedicated promotional email announcement sent out to the community.  
  • A dedicated email blast thanking our renewing sponsors and featuring detailed information about the sponsors’ services.   
  • A page highlighting our sponsors in the Welcome Packet provided to new ONEN neighbors.  
  • Special recognition of all ONEN sponsors at our annual fall Garden Party.
  • ONEN accepts only one sponsor from each business category to ensure the effectiveness of your sponsorship. 

ONEN will also support your extending special discounts to our neighbors, spreading the word through all our outreach venues.  We believe our sponsors receive excellent value for their investment and that our neighbors benefit greatly from learning more about the services that you provide. 

Sponsorship LevelDescriptionAmount
Silver Sponsorship PackageProvides your company with an ad on the  homepage of the ONEN website and a link to your organization’s webpage or other contact information. In addition, your ad is displayed on every mailing of our newsletter and other email correspondence.  


per year

Gold Sponsorship PackageProvides your company with a larger ad on the ONEN homepage as well as a link to your organization’s webpage or other contact information. In addition, your Gold Sponsorship ensures that you are listed on every newsletter and email we send out. 


per year

Platinum Sponsorship PackageProvides your company with the largest ad on the homepage of our website plus your ad appears on every landing page of the ONEN website. As a Platinum Sponsor you will always have top billing on every newsletter and email announcement we send out. 


per year

For questions about available opportunities, contact us at

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