City continues concrete repair cost-sharing option for homeowners

City continues concrete repair cost-sharing option for homeowners

If you missed out on the 2014 ONEN Sidewalk Replacement Program with Groninger Concrete, there is still a way to get a great deal on replacing sidewalks or curbs adjacent to your home. The City of Colorado Springs, with funding from the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) and the City General Fund, has a 50/50 cost-sharing program to repair/replace concrete sidewalks and curb and gutter adjacent to private property. Fifty percent of the cost is paid for by the City, while the property owner pays the other half. Concrete must be rated Priority 1 or 2 (explained further in release).

Concrete repairs to sidewalks and curb gutter adjacent to private property are ultimately the responsibility and liability of the adjacent property owner; however, the City has allocated funding to assist with these repairs. Currently there is an approximately 16-year backlog of citizen requests for concrete repair. The 50/50 cost-sharing program is designed to allow citizens to get Priority 1 and 2 areas addressed sooner and allow the City to address more needs with available funding.

2014 funds for this program have been exhausted but they are starting a list for 2015.  Concrete is poured between May-October and the city can typically afford 100 jobs. The current 2015 list already has 62 homes on it.  Call now to get on the list for 2015. Citizens interested in participating should call 385-5411 to schedule an inspection/rating session with a City/PPRTA inspector.

Repair needs must meet Priority 1 or 2 levels using objective criteria established under the concrete repair program.

Priority 2 areas are those that meet at least one of these conditions:

  • 75 to 100 percent of the curb head or sidewalk is chipped or broken
  • Concrete has settled at least 2 inches
  • 50% or more of the surface has spalled (top ½ to 1 inch has worn away, leaving a rough surface)

Priority 1 areas meet at least one of the Priority 2 conditions AND at least one of these conditions:

  • Verified accident or claim for injury caused by damage
  • Citizen with a disability whose access is impeded due to damage
  • 250 yard proximity to hospital, school, senior center or bus stop

Here are some basic cost estimates for concrete work (as of 2013):

  • Remove damaged curb and gutter      $5.50 per linear foot
  • Install curb and gutter                              $14.25 per linear foot
  • Remove damaged sidewalk                     $2.25 per square foot
  • Install sidewalk                                            $2.90 per square foot

This is the full cost of repairs. The homeowner only pays 50% and there is no additional fee for a permit. 2015 costs may change by 5-10%.

2 thoughts on “City continues concrete repair cost-sharing option for homeowners”

  1. I have a home at 708 North Weber Street which is adjacent to The Weber Street Liquor Store and the side walk really needs replacement due to the traffic. If this is offered for 2016 I would like to be considered. Thank you!

  2. This program is administered by the city not by ONEN.

    “Citizens interested in participating should call 385-5411 to schedule an inspection/rating session with a City/PPRTA inspector.”

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