Spruce up the Springs
ONEN Neighborhood Cleanup
As part of the city wide Spruce up the Springs effort, ONEN is hosting a cleanup in our neighborhood Saturday Sept 15th from 7:30-11:30 AM. We will be concentrating on Uintah, from Wahsatch to M.V.P., Shooks run trail from Uintah to Lilac, and Nevada from Uintah to Lilac. We will be making sure all storm drains and gutters are free of debris and weeds. That will make sure our roads drain properly and limit the pollution getting into our waterways. We will take care to recycle all that we can.
We will assemble at 222 East San Miguel for coffee, donuts and instructions at 7:30 AM (If you are late just find us in the neighborhood or contact Vic).
Bring work gloves, brooms, dust pans, sunglasses and water. We will have trash bags.
Contact Vic Appugliese with any questions, 719-290-2039, president@oldnorthend.org. Anybody that needs community service credit for school or for the city can bring their forms to be signed.
If you can’t make it to the organized effort, we are asking all neighbors to get out at some point this weekend and hit the streets/alleys closest to your house. Whether you are out doing yard work or on a walk pick up any piece of trash you see!!! Every little bit helps keep our neighborhood beautiful!
Safety Guidelines
DO wear light or bright colored clothing, gloves and
hard-soled, closed-toe shoes.
DO dress appropriately for the weather and take breaks
on a regular basis.
DO bring a water bottle and wear sunscreen, insect repellent,
and sunglasses.
DO be aware of your physical condition and refrain from
doing any activities beyond your capabilities.
DO work in groups of two (2) or more.
DO carry identification at all times or a cell phone
for emergency calls.
DO watch and take precautions for:
• Snakes, other animals and insects
• Glass, barbed wire, pipes and debris with sharp or
rusted edges
• Unexpected holes or ditches
DO be aware of traffic on adjacent roads and driveways.
DO park vehicles in the assigned areas or
designated parking lots.
DO not play around or do anything to distract
passing drivers.
DO not bring small children or pets or leave children or pets
in the car while participating in the program.
DO not pick-up any materials that may be hazardous
to your health (ex: dead animals, chemicals, firearms,
hypodermic needles,…). Please notify your team leaders
if hazardous condition exists.
These recommendations are not all inclusive.
Take all precautions necessary to avoid accidents
Your ONEN Board