35 Trees Coming in April


Spring is coming and that means the  ONEN TREE PROGRAM will be up and running in April.

With the past drought and the new water restrictions we will have 35 trees available to our ONEN neighbors. We continue to support “Trees Across Colorado” and purchase our trees from this very worthwhile organization.  Our available trees are:

  • Pacific Sunset Maple (unavailable this year)
  • Harvest Gold Linden
  • Swamp White Oak
  • Red Oak

Following the ONEN tree program tradition, spring planting will launch during Colorado Arbor Day weekend, April 19th – 22nd, 2013. If you are interested in getting a tree or if you are aware of any parkways or area yards that have lost trees and could benefit from a replacement, please contact Linda Buffetti at trees@oldnorthend.org;  or 719-630-0836.  These trees are free to our ONEN neighbors and sponsored by the ONEN Tree Program.

We will need volunteers to help unload trees when they are delivered by TAC to the Forestry Operations Center, 1601 Recreation Way, Colorado Springs, CO, 80905 on Wednesday, April 17th.  Also, we will need help assisting with the tree planting April 20th – 22nd as well. For either one or both of these great opportunities to help serve your neighbors please contact Linda Buffetti @ trees@oldnorthend.org; 719-630-0836.

Along with a new tree, you’ll receive free mulch with planting and watering instructions. If you cannot physically plant the tree, let us know and we will make arrangements to make certain your ONEN tree gets properly planted.

Please, please be sure to take special care to generously water any new trees and don’t forget about the ones that are already planted.  For pruning, you can call City Forestry at 385-5942, for any trees in medians and parkways.

Healthy trees are critical to the Old North End Neighborhood.  Trees add shade to cool your home in summer, clean the air we breathe, increase your home’s privacy, reduce total road noise, prevent erosion and add to the Old North End’s reputation for a beautiful canopy. Along with the beautiful homes, trees are often cited as the neighborhood’s defining characteristic.

Help Keep the Old North End Neighborhood beautiful and flourishing….. “Plant a tree for 2013”.

Vic and CW 2012

2 thoughts on “35 Trees Coming in April”

  1. Lillian Atkinson


    Last year the City cut down 2 very old trees in the parking at 2122 N. Tejon Street and the empty lot listed as 17 W. Madison. The lot faces N. Tejon Street next door to 2122. Thank you for that.

    We would appreciate a replacement Red Oak Tree at the 2122 address. Any red leaf tree would be appreciated to give color to the neighborhood.

    The trunks of the 2 cut trees are still there and they are quite large.

    Would you please put us on the list for a tree? If we are too late for this year, please keep us on the list for next year. We have been at 2122 for 56 years, purchasing the property in February 1961.

    Thank you for consideration.

  2. Lillian,

    ONEN has suspended the normal tree program for one year in order to direct these funds towards the restoration of the median trees. We will be ordering more trees for our neighbors next winter. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Brian Safigan

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