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Our history


On October 14, 2021, Colorado Springs Utilities removed four historic lampposts from the medians in the 1200 and 1300 blocks of Wood Avenue. ONEN immediately contacted CSU to return the lampposts. They are now in a known and safe place as we continue to work with the city towards their return to Wood Avenue.

Sign up here and join us for a January 16 (Sunday) Zoom meeting for the purpose of sharing information about the removal of the lampposts, the history of these beautiful lights, listening to concerns about what has happened, and discussing next steps to restore the lampposts to their original locations.


Always remember to support our ONEN sponsors - we couldn't do it without you!

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Welcome to an overview that will acquaint you with the present ONEN Board of Directors, provide information regarding the By-Laws which govern this 501c3 non-profit neighborhood association, and introduce you to the North End Master Plan that outlines objectives to “achieve neighborhood preservation and enhancement.” Learn about neighborhood sources of communication that keep residents informed. We welcome and need your written input and active participation. You will find contact information throughout the website. Please volunteer!

We live in a beautiful historic neighborhood that has played a prominent role in the 150 years of Colorado Springs’ history. Read an overview of its amazing history and view a map of the neighborhood boundaries and the two National Register Historic Districts this includes. Read about museums and other historic properties in our region and choose among the neighborhood's several tours that highlight its built and natural environments.

Old North End neighbors have a commitment to maintain their historic properties and medians and to promote the family friendly community we all call home. Learn about the numerous committees that focus on these and other priorities: Historic Preservation, Transit, Street Safety, CC Liaison, North End Woodlands and Events. A special committee formed with Penrose Hospital addresses areas of mutual concern.

Over the years, whether it is in collaboration with the City or with each other, property owners have worked hard to maintain the neighborhood's historic character. From monitoring and contesting zoning issues, to the application for National Register status and writing its own Master Plan, the work continues and is prolific. Under this category you will find books that highlight volunteer efforts over the past sixty-three years to the present and celebrate the neighborhood architecture and history.

How does a homeowner create a home that both accommodates “present-day” needs and yet maintains the charm and architectural integrity of the historic fabric? Under this category you will find basic requirements for projects that need a building permit, zoning information, and the Interpretive Guide, a visual guide to best practices when renovating or restoring your home.

We pride ourselves on being the neighborhood that is either like the one we grew up in or wished we had. We know our neighbors, and we like being neighborly. Under events, you will find a variety of family activities the neighborhood hosts on an annual basis. There are other more spontaneous events not sponsored by ONEN such as block parties, tea or coffee meet-ups, and holiday decorating of our beautiful homes.

Always remember to support our ONEN sponsors - we couldn't do it without you!

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