Accepting Nominations for Dog of the Year 2012-2013

ONEN Dog of the Year Award

The ONEN Dog of the Year  Award began in 2010 to honor the  neighborhood’s beloved canine  friends. The first dog recognized  as Dog of the Year was Charles  Wentworth. Charles has an extensive  track record of community service  throughout the Old North End and  Pikes Peak region, and remains active  in many service capacities, in good  health and good spirits. The  2011 Dog of the Year, Shilo, was  recognized for  service that included  Christmas Treecycle, suicide  prevention, cancer research, and   youth sports.

To nominate the next ONEN Dog  of the Year, here are the requirements:  The nominee must

1. Live within ONEN.

2. Love to play and behave well with  kids.

3. Be active in service to benefit the  neighborhood  and community

4. Have no outstanding issues with  neighbors (excessive barking  and/or howling, unwanted gifts  in neighbors’ yards, chasing  neighborhood cats, attacks on  postal, newspaper or delivery  employees)

5. Have a great disposition around  other animals and people

The Dog of the Year will have his  or her picture published in the ONEN  newsletter and web site. ONEN will  honor this recognition by donating   50 pounds of dry dog food to the  dog’s animal charity of choice, and  deliver a grab bag of healthy snacks to the new Dog of the Year.

To nominate a worthy dog,  please prepare a 50-100 word essay  explaining why this dog deserves  such an honor, and include a photo.  We will announce the winner at the  neighborhood meeting in May.

Submit to:  admin@oldnorthendorg, with a  subject line “ONEN Dog of the Year.”

Deadline: May 14th , 2012

1 thought on “Accepting Nominations for Dog of the Year 2012-2013”

  1. Joey (7 1/2 yr old Golden Retreiver)

    What can I say, he’s a golden! Joey sits on his porch steps watching over the many who venture past our corner-especially the children heading to Steele and North. He also is very popular at our bookstore where he has greeted and ‘talked’ to the customers (especially children) since we got him at 8 weeks old. He even has a special thing for another ONEN dog and visits her often to make sure she’s o.k. When Joey is sitting outside you get a sense that all is well in the neighborhood.

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