Dog of the Year Nominations Due Saturday

It’s Time for Dog of the Year-  Nominations Due Saturday
Does your dog have what it takes to be ONEN’s 2013 Dog of the Year?
Your dog could be featured in the ONEN newsletter, receive a large bag of treats, have its picture on all outgoing ‘ONEN Pet Alerts’ and receive 75 lbs of dog food to donate to the charity of the owners choice. If your dog:
• Resides within ONEN
• Loves to play and interacts well with
kids & other animals
• Is a good neighbor (no excessive
barking /howling, leaving unwanted
• Does not harass or bite people or
other animals
• Has done some form of community
service within the last year
Please submit a 75 word essay on why your dog should be ONEN Dog of the Year to:
Please include a photo with your essay.
Deadline is May 11, 2013.

1 thought on “Dog of the Year Nominations Due Saturday”

  1. Hello ONEN,
    My name is Lucy Knaup and I would like to be considered for the Dog of the Year. I am super friendly with all of my neighbors. I support my immediate neighbors by quietly keeping the squirrels in the trees. I am a certified Therapy Dog and provide love to people of all ages. I have gone to nursing homes, visited college students during exams to help them de-stress at CC and UCCS. I have done many Bite prevention seminars at schools and HealthFairs in Colorado Springs and Canon City. My very favorite work that I have done for the past 3 years, and will be doing again this summer, is Camp Whiskers and Wags at HSPPR. Here I teach children how to clicker train dogs and they give me hotdog treats, nothing could be better than kids and hotdogs!

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