HPA Spring 2014 Meetings Announced

Historic Preservation Alliance of Colorado Springs

Spring 2014 Meetings

HPA Logo

NOTE:  Meetings are held at 6:30 pm the First Lutheran Church, 1515 N. Nevada Avenue.  Enter from the alley and follow the signs.  Meetings are free to members; five dollars for non-members.

Thursday, February 13, Architecture in Colorado Springs, 1900-1920.

Thursday, March 6, Architecture in Colorado Springs, 1920-1940.

Thursday, April 3, Architecture in Colorado Springs, 1945-1970

Thursday, May 1, John Hazelhurst, Early Artists of Colorado Springs.  NOTE:  This program will be at the Gill Foundation, 315 E. Costilla.

Saturday, May 17.  Annual field trip to Amache, WWII Japanese American Internment Camp near Granada.


For membership and other information see the website at


PDF of Schedule

1 thought on “HPA Spring 2014 Meetings Announced”

  1. marianna moody

    Can you please add us to your mailing list? Also, can you please tell me what date the 2014 old north neighborhood garage sale is going to be?

    Thanks so much,


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