We welcome our newest sponsor:The Historic Preservation Alliance
The following contributed by The Historic Preservation Alliance Board:
The Historic Preservation Alliance is the leading voice for historic preservation in the Pikes Peak Region. We work with property owners, neighborhood organizations and local government to protect, preserve, promote and celebrate the historic places that define our stunning community at the foot of Pikes Peak. Our member supported nonprofit has grown over our 22-year history through advocacy, education, events and strategic alliances.
We offer education outreach tours, lectures and field trips to help reveal a deeper story of our heritage and serve to introduce our members to the rich diverse places and spaces in our community. We invite you to learn more and remain engaged throughout the year as we embrace many inspiring educational events and fun opportunities scheduled throughout this year. This year our theme is Preservation by the People, honoring the personal efforts by so many to protect and steward our heritage.
Join us! Become engaged. Learn how together we can protect and preserve the best of the past for the future. We are a city of Olympian-size ideals, deserving of balanced beauty – both natural and throughout our built environment – and respect for our unique heritage.