
Old North End neighbors have a commitment to maintain their historic properties and medians and to promote the family friendly community we all call home.

Social and Community Building

The ONEN Social Committee is the high-energy group of volunteers behind the event planning and support that enables the neighborhood to enjoy many of the fun, family-focused community-building activities for which the Old North End is known.

The many holiday celebrations plus the unique ONEN-sponsored annual events like the neighborhood Yard Sale in June, the fall Garden Party for ONEN donors, and the ONENFest Block Party and Chili Cook-off for all neighbors are organized and supported by members of this committee.

If you are a social being, like event-planning, have fun ideas, and are interested in meeting lots of your ONEN neighbors, consider volunteering for the ONEN Social Committee. 

Contact:  Sumer Liebold  719 375-9015



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