
Old North End neighbors have a commitment to maintain their historic properties and medians and to promote the family friendly community we all call home.

Transit Committee

Mission Of The ONEN Transit Committee

Recognizing that a robust and efficient transit system is essential to the health and mobility of a thriving community, we aim to work with various stakeholders to optimize the network serving our region.  We strongly encourage a distributed system that reduces walking distance for our local riders, and minimizes impact to residents.  We resist permitting our residential streets to be used as a cut-through to connect remote riders between distant urban nodes.

Transit System Must Be Scaled To Our Region
  • We must provide transportation options to those who cannot, or prefer not, to drive
    • It is our duty, and it enhances the vitality of our neighborhood
  • Although vehicular traffic through the Old North End has been falling slowly for many years, there are projections for growth
    • If buses can be packed with neighbors who would otherwise have driven, it will reduce the impact of auto traffic
    • If travel by personal car in our region ever becomes difficult, it will be good to have an established transit system 
  • It would be a disservice not to recognize that transit vehicles also bring negative consequences
  • It does not serve our neighborhood to collect riders from remote areas of the city and divert them through our neighborhood
  • Therefore, we strive to promote a system that is scaled to our region, and we resist becoming the core of a city-wide transit network
Our Plan for Action


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