
Old North End neighbors have a commitment to maintain their historic properties and medians and to promote the family friendly community we all call home.

Neighborhood Transportation Studies and Plans

There is evidence of resident action on street safety concerns going back to 1916.  Since 1989, there have been several studies of the traffic condition, and some of these have resulted in plans for modifications.  It is our opinion that most of these plans have only made the situation worse for some ailing streets.  This page is intended to collect these studies to record where we have been in hopes that it might illuminate the path forward.

We note that three of the studies conducted by the city or independent traffic engineering firms all recommended road diets for all four north/south arterials.  This result was also recommended by every study conducted by our neighborhood after the 1989 Master Plan.

  • 1989 ONEN Master Plan Traffic Study
  • 2013 Colorado College Master Plan
  • 2016 ONEN Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan
  • 2016 Old North End Traffic Study
  • 2017 Old & Near North End Transportation Study
  • 2018 ONEN Street Safety Plan
  • 2019 Lane Reduction Feasibility Analysis

In addition to these formal studies, there have been numerous traffic count data collection events by the city of Colorado Springs an CDOT.  Results from these measurements are held on file with the ONEN Street Safety Committee and are available on request. 

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