Learn about the past, present and future of the Old North End Neighborhood.

ONEN Mailing List
ONEN maintains a mailing list to distribute security alerts, news, event information and ONEN Board position statements on City and County actions which impact our neighborhood. Join our mailing list and stay informed.
ONEN Newsletter
The ONEN newsletter can be provided digitally to your email address. Sign up here to receive your copy. Archived newsletters may be found here.
ONEN on Facebook
ONEN maintains a Facebook Page for current updates on community events, security alerts, and other happenings of importance. Be sure to follow the ONEN page and like or share any posts with your friends. .
Old North End on Nextdoor.com
Nextdoor.com is a community-based social network for sharing anything from community events, lost/found pets, security issues, etc. It also allows sharing of ideas with other neighboring communities. Many ONEN neighbors have joined this network, and ONEN often uses it for communicating events and alerts.
Contact Us
Visit our contact page to send messages to our board members and committee chairpersons. We welcome your input as we are here to serve the best interests of the Old North End Neighborhood.