Master Plan
The Old North End Master Plan Adopted November 16, 1990 Passed as City Ordinance February 26, 1991Summary of Objectives
Assure ONEN Plan adopted by City
ONEN works to implement Plan
Reduce traffic safety problems, especially on arterials
Reduce impacts of traffic, especially from trucks
Mitigate impact of I-25
Reduce traffic to levels compatible with historic urban residential character
Provide convenient pedestrian/bicycle circulation
Provide safe pedestrian/bicycle crossings
Reduce impact of parking while accommodating parking needs
Encourage alternatives to automobile traffic
Restore quiet residential character of neighborhood streets
Land Use and Zoning
Identify appropriate uses and design criteria for all areas of the neighborhood
Enforce zoning regulations
Discourage incursion of non-compatible uses
Discourage density increase/allow density reduction
Preserve single-family character and appearance
Encourage restoration of historic homes to single family use
Identify appropriate locations and compatible forms of multi-family use
Discourage multi-family zoning/encourage high density zoning to change to lower density
Discourage change to non-residential use; identify areas/types of appropriate non-residential use
Continue and encourage specific small neighborhood commercial properties compatible with neighborhood
Encourage improvement of BonCenter and Weber commercial area
Encourage neighborhood and surrounding non-residential areas to uses and forms compatible with ONEN