Over the years property owners have worked hard to maintain the neighborhood’s historic character.

Our Neighborhood
Historic-Looking Streetlights
Highlights: ONEN Streetlight Initiatives, 2004 to 2009

The first step to enhance the historic character of the Old North End was in 1976, when the process was initiated to declare the core of the neighborhood a National Register Historic District. The City of Colorado Springs later adopted Historic Preservation Overlay Zoning for this district. This zoning was applied to the North End National Register Historic District in the early 2000s.
Historic-looking streetlights for the Old North End were first proposed in a neighborhood plan adopted by the North End Board of Directors in 1976. They also were included in a Master Plan for the neighborhood adopted by the Colorado Springs City Council. The reasons for historic-looking streetlights are to increase safety through improved but less intrusive street lighting and to bring visual unification to the neighborhood. The Historic Streetlight Committee was created by the Old North End Neighborhood Board of Directors to pursue historic-looking streetlights for the neighborhood.