Who We are
Learn about the past, present andfutureof the Old North End Neighborhood.

Neighborhood Meetings
Board Meetings
- Due to Covid 19, meetings of the ONEN Board occur via Zoom at 5:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month. Please contact president@oldnorthend.org if you would like to be on the agenda.
Community Meetings
- Open meetings for neighbors are held as needed in May. Guest speakers may include City officials who bring us up to date on changes under consideration by City Council or City Planning which may impact our neighborhood. ONEN committee chairpersons offer updates on the budget, events, programs and other activities and announcements. Presentations on matters of concern and a call to action might be necessary. Neighbors may share their concerns. Time for a Q and A after each presentation is provided.
- Watch the newsletter, website, and ONEN Facebook page for announcements of dates and times for these meetings which are typically held at facilities owned by First Lutheran Church, a long time ONEN sponsor.