Historic Preservation

Over the years property owners have worked hard to maintain the neighborhood’s historic character.

Neighborhood Beautification Projects

 ONEN residents plant and maintain many of the beautiful flower beds seen blooming from spring to fall in medians throughout the neighborhood. Some beds are adopted by neighbors through the City’s Springs in Bloom Program wherein the City provides a specific design plan plus the colorful annuals to generate stunning displays; volunteers provide the planting and maintenance work.  Some ONEN neighbors have been caring for these beds for as long as 10 years, and we appreciate their dedication.

  • If you would like to adopt one of the flower beds within ONEN that is part of the Springs in Bloom program, the City’s website contains all the details – a border sign-up sheet listed by City street names; rules for maintaining your assigned bed; and contact information for the program.
  • If you would like to volunteer to help one of the long-time neighbor groups that maintains a flowerbed on the west side of ONEN, reach out to Liz Bevington (our neighbor who has coordinated planting for more than 10 years) at 475-7031 or email her at lynnliz1513@msn.com.
Entryway Sign Flower Beds
  • Three entryway flower beds were designed by ONEN neighbors and are maintained by the Old North End:
  • North Nevada Avenue at Uintah Street – for many years this bed was maintained by former ONEN president Vic Appugliese. It is currently part of the Springs in Bloom program.
  • North Cascade Avenue at Uintah Street – this bed is designed and maintained by neighbors Rob and Mary Ellen Harrison.
  • North Nevada Avenue at Lilac Street – the flower bed at the base of this sign was designed using perennials and annuals by Susan Darby and is maintained by the ONEN Green Team. (See more on the Green Team below.)
  • The entryway sign flower beds at North Wahsatch and Uintah, North Cascade and Jackson, and North Wahsatch and Fontanero are maintained as part of the Springs in Bloom program.
ONEN Green Team Support of North Nevada at Lilac Median
  • The Nevada at Lilac median and sign border is unique. In 2014, ONEN entered into an agreement with the City regarding the ongoing maintenance of the entire median in return for authorization to construct the beautiful Historic Old North End entryway sign that is prominently featured there. ONEN has been responsible for planting the flowers and shrubs immediately in front and back of the sign as well as caring for the City-planted lily beds, evergreens, lilacs, and other shrubs. A small group of dedicated ONEN volunteers called the Green Team meets monthly or as needed during the growing season to pick up trash, pull weeds, deadhead flowers, trim shrubs and whatever tasks are needed to maintain this beautiful median.  In off-season, regular trash pick-up and spreading of needed mulch are tasks also performed by this group.
  • If you are interested in volunteering for the ONEN Green Team to assist in maintaining the Nevada at Lilac median, contact info@oldnorthend.org.
Tree Planting Program:  Why Trees Matter

Healthy trees are critical to the Old North End Neighborhood. Trees add shade to cool your home in the summer, block wind in the winter, clean the air we breathe, provide homes for wildlife, increase your home’s privacy, reduce total road noise, calm traffic, prevent erosion and add to the Old North End’s reputation for a beautiful canopy. For more specific benefits that trees provide, visit North End Woodlands Tree Benefits.  Along with the beautiful homes, trees are often cited as the Old North End’s defining characteristic.

Many of the trees in our neighborhood are reaching the end of their normal lifespan  or have been lost due to drought or disease. Caring for the trees of our neighborhood and replenishing our tree canopy is a major priority for the ONEN Board, and our efforts have included:

  • North End Woodlands – an organization founded by ONEN neighbors which works in conjunction with the City Forestry Department on the replacement of trees in our historic medians
  • Parkway Tree Program – a program that provides trees for neighbors to plant in the parkway (the space between the sidewalk and the curb) of their homes
  • Funding for emergency watering during droughts
  • Educating neighbors on tree care, selection, proper planting instruction and placement
Resources for ONEN neighbors who wish to add trees to their landscape

City Forestry Division:  The Mission of the Forestry Division is to manage our urban forest in a healthy, safe, and sustainable state, which maintains our original forest legacy, manages risk, and increases the canopy coverage for shade, stormwater retention and property value.

Become familiar with the City Guide to Planting Trees.

Other Useful Topics on the –  City’s Forestry Division webpage:
  • Street Tree Maintenance Requests
  • Common Tree Issues
  • Public Programs or Services
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