Newsletter – 1

Feature One Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis. Feature Two Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis. Feature Three Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis.

Newsletter – 1 Read More »




Frequency versus Coverage. What are the trade-offs?

July 15, 2016 Frequency versus Coverage Colorado Springs’ Mountain Metro Transit (MMT) and the Transit Coalition keep heralding 15-minute service and route consolidation as a way to attract bus ridership. It is easy to see the attraction. If you know that a bus will be coming withing the next 15-minutes, then there is really no

Frequency versus Coverage. What are the trade-offs? Read More »

MMT Releases Proposed Fall 2016 Route Changes — Nevada/Weber vs. Cascade/Wahsatch

June 30, 2016 Summary Mountain Metro Transit, Colorado Springs’ Bus Service announced their proposed changes for Fall 2016 to be implemented in September. This proposes two options for the routes through ONEN: Option 1: Move one route from Nevada Avenue to Weber Street while leaving a route on Nevada. This is the chosen option of

MMT Releases Proposed Fall 2016 Route Changes — Nevada/Weber vs. Cascade/Wahsatch Read More »

Follow-Up Meeting to the June 20th Neighborhood Meeting

June 23, 2016 As a follow-up to the public neighborhood meeting called by Chief-of-Staff Jeff Greene last Monday, June 20th, the Chief-of-Staff office set up a meeting with the following attendees. We were asked to come up with a solution that addresses the concerns brought forth by the ONEN Transit Committee (ONEN) and Save our

Follow-Up Meeting to the June 20th Neighborhood Meeting Read More »

Neighborhood Meeting with Chief-of-Staff Jeff Greene

June 20, 2016 At the request of the residents of Nevada Avenue, Chief-of-Staff Jeff Greene hosted a neighborhood meeting to discuss the buses on Nevada Avenue through ONEN between Uintah and Jackson Streets. Jeff Greene, MMT Supervisors, and City council member Jill Gaebler were in attendance as well as other City staff. Also in attendance

Neighborhood Meeting with Chief-of-Staff Jeff Greene Read More »

ONEN Transit Committee Analysis of Bus Routes Through ONEN

June 6, 2016 The newly-formed ONEN Transit Committee met for the first time to discuss the short- and long-term goals of transit for our neighborhood, surrounding neighborhoods, and the City. We discussed the need to work with MMT to find solutions that improves public transit for the masses rather than pushing personal agendas. We concluded

ONEN Transit Committee Analysis of Bus Routes Through ONEN Read More »

“Equitable Distribution” and the ONEN Master Plan

May 22, 2016 When MMT implemented the bus changes through ONEN on May 1, 2016, some Nevada residents naturally confused these route changes with the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Plan that ONEN was actively promoting. This became even worse when word got out that MMT requested that the lane freed by safety-sizing Nevada Avenue be

“Equitable Distribution” and the ONEN Master Plan Read More »

MMT Releases Proposed Route Changes for Spring 2016

January 4, 2016 On January 4, 2016 MMT announced public meetings on their Facebook Page concerning proposed route changes to take affect on May 1, 2016: Tuesday, January 19, 2:00 pm Wednesday, January 20, 10:00 am Wednesday, January 20, 5:00 pm Thursday, January 21, 6:40 pm Friday, January 22, 5:00 pm Tuesday, January 26, 10:00

MMT Releases Proposed Route Changes for Spring 2016 Read More »

Yet Another Street With The One-Lane-In-Each-Direction Treatment: This Time It Is Broadmoor Bluffs Drive

Sunday, June 5, 2016 One-lane-in-each-direction! A continuous left-turn lane in the middle of the street! Bicycle lanes in both directions! This time we discovered it on Broadmoor Bluffs Drive in the southern part of the Broadmoor area. There it is. Further proof that painting wide streets for one-lane-in-each direction and adding a left-turn lane and

Yet Another Street With The One-Lane-In-Each-Direction Treatment: This Time It Is Broadmoor Bluffs Drive Read More »

A Brief History of the Accomplishments of the Old North End Neighborhood

Saturday, June 4, 2016 As the Old North End Neighborhood has gone to work to try to ameliorate problems created by the recent shift of Colorado Springs city buses to North Nevada Avenue, questions have been raised about the Old North End Neighborhood’s structure and authority. Here is a brief history of the organization’s major

A Brief History of the Accomplishments of the Old North End Neighborhood Read More »

A Brief History of the Organization and Founding of the Old North End Neighborhood

Friday, June 3, 2016 As the Old North End Neighborhood has gone to work to try to ameliorate problems created by the recent shift of Colorado Springs city buses to North Nevada Avenue, questions have been raised about the Old North End Neighborhood’s organization and authority. This brief history will demonstrate how the Old North

A Brief History of the Organization and Founding of the Old North End Neighborhood Read More »

What Is The Old North End Neighborhood? It Is A Colorado State-Chartered Volunteer Homeowners’ Association

Thursday, June 2, 2016 As the Old North End Neighborhood has gone to work to try to ameliorate problems created by the recent shift of Colorado Springs city buses to North Nevada Avenue, questions have been raised such as: What is the Old North End Neighborhood? Where does it get the authority to act for

What Is The Old North End Neighborhood? It Is A Colorado State-Chartered Volunteer Homeowners’ Association Read More »

The Bus Switch To North Nevada Avenue: A Look At The History Of Public Transit In The Old North End

Wednesday, June 1, 2016 On May 1, 2016, bus service in Colorado Springs was removed from North Cascade Avenue and Wahsatch Avenue through the Old North End and concentrated on North Nevada Avenue. This switch, taken with little or no opportunity for input by North Nevada Avenue residents in the Old North End, has been

The Bus Switch To North Nevada Avenue: A Look At The History Of Public Transit In The Old North End Read More »

Discovery of Another Safety-Sized Street: Been on East Bijou Street Lately?

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 Every time you drive in a different part of town, it seems, you discover another street that has been Safety-Sized to one-lane-in-each-direction. Yesterday it was East Bijou Street eastward from Hancock Street to Academy Boulevard. Just by changing the paint job (yellow lane-striping paint) on top of the black asphalt, Colorado

Discovery of Another Safety-Sized Street: Been on East Bijou Street Lately? Read More »

Of Memorial Day, General William J. Palmer, the Founding of Colorado Springs, and One Lane From Two Lanes

Monday, May 30, 2016 Memorial Day (today) is set aside for remembering and thanking our military veterans. That makes it a good day to think about the Union Army officer, who fought in the Civil War and then founded the City of Colorado Springs. Here is the story of how he came to be inspired

Of Memorial Day, General William J. Palmer, the Founding of Colorado Springs, and One Lane From Two Lanes Read More »

Making Streets More Livable and Enjoyable By Quieting Traffic Is Not a Radical New Idea; It Was Recommended For Colorado Springs Long Ago

Friday, May 27, 2016 The rationale for One Lane From Two Lanes is that a street should be more than just a quick way for motorists and motorcycle riders to get from one place to another. Streets should be made pleasant to live on, and other human uses should be encouraged along streets – such

Making Streets More Livable and Enjoyable By Quieting Traffic Is Not a Radical New Idea; It Was Recommended For Colorado Springs Long Ago Read More »

The Mystery Deepens! Who Started Those Beautiful Landscaped Street Medians In The Old North End (and elsewhere in Colorado Springs)?

Thursday, May 26, 2016 Due to the favorable coverage of our posting on who started the wide streets and the landscaped street medians in Colorado Springs, additional research was undertaken. It turned out the beautiful street medians were started by people living in Colorado Springs and not by Charles Mulford Robinson, a landscape architect hired

The Mystery Deepens! Who Started Those Beautiful Landscaped Street Medians In The Old North End (and elsewhere in Colorado Springs)? Read More »

Instead of Traffic Jams, One Lane From Two Lanes Often Results in Slightly Higher Traffic Volumes On City Streets

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Reducing streets from two-lanes-in-each-direction to one-lane-in-each-direction makes streets quieter and safer to drive, but statistics show it does not divert traffic away from the street to other streets. In fact, in some cases, traffic volumes on One Lane From Two Lanes streets actually go up slightly, thereby proving that motorists, once

Instead of Traffic Jams, One Lane From Two Lanes Often Results in Slightly Higher Traffic Volumes On City Streets Read More »

A Neighbor In the Surrounding Neighborhood of Patty Jewett Changed His Mind

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 A resident of the Patty Jewett neighborhood posted this letter on the internet supporting One Lane From Two Lanes. The Old North End is delighted to have this support: After attending the PJNA [Patty Jewett Neighborhood Association] meeting Monday night, I have changed my mind and decided to support the safety-sizing

A Neighbor In the Surrounding Neighborhood of Patty Jewett Changed His Mind Read More »

Why Does Colorado Springs Have Four Super-Wide North-South Arterial Streets in Only Five Blocks? The Answer: Not General Palmer!

Monday, May 23, 2016 The following comment was made by a concerned citizen: “So… The city engineers I gather would have been the ones who were responsible for the design of these four-lane streets. Now, we can feasibly cut them in half as there is “excess” capacity. Translation = wasted resources within the design, building,

Why Does Colorado Springs Have Four Super-Wide North-South Arterial Streets in Only Five Blocks? The Answer: Not General Palmer! Read More »

One Lane From Two Lanes Installed On Cheyenne Boulevard In Ivywild

Sunday, May 22, 2016 Every day, it seems, we learn of another arterial street in Colorado Springs that has been given the safety-sizing treatment. Today we heard about Cheyenne Boulevard down in the Ivywild section of our city. Similar to many other arterial streets all over Colorado Springs, it has been downsized to One Lane

One Lane From Two Lanes Installed On Cheyenne Boulevard In Ivywild Read More »

Major Points in Favor of the Old North End Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Plan

Saturday, May 21, 2016 The Old North End Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Committee has just released a two-page summary of the major arguments in favor of Safety-Sizing five arterial streets that run through the Old North End. Safety-Sizing is reducing streets from two-lanes-in-each-direction to one-lane-in-each-direction. The short name is “One Lane From Two Lanes.” The

Major Points in Favor of the Old North End Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Plan Read More »

AARP Takes A Strong Stand In Favor Of One-Lane-From-Two-Lanes Throughout The United States

Friday, May 20, 2016 The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has taken a strong stand in favor of reducing city streets from two-lanes-in-each-direction to one-lane-in-each-direction. An internet posting by the nation’s largest retired persons lobby cites One Lane From Two Lanes as the best way to promote both automobile safety and pedestrian safety, not

AARP Takes A Strong Stand In Favor Of One-Lane-From-Two-Lanes Throughout The United States Read More »

A North Nevada Avenue Resident Takes a “Dream” Walk Down His Street Early On A Sunday Morning

Thursday, May 19, 2016 Mark Nelson, a local architect who lives on North Nevada Avenue in the Old North End, has long been concerned for the future of that beautiful street with its heavily landscaped median and attractive Victorian homes. He wrote this essay following an early morning walk: “IT’S OUR STREET” We are on

A North Nevada Avenue Resident Takes a “Dream” Walk Down His Street Early On A Sunday Morning Read More »

The Bike Lanes That Come With One-Lane-From-Two-Lanes Will Have Economic Benefits for Colorado Springs

Wednesday, May 18, 2016 The biggest side benefit from instituting One Lane From Two Lanes in the Old North End is that there will be room for wide bike lanes on a number of arterial streets running through the neighborhood. When two lanes of traffic in each direction are reduced to one lane, an entire

The Bike Lanes That Come With One-Lane-From-Two-Lanes Will Have Economic Benefits for Colorado Springs Read More »

How Many Families in the Old North End will Benefit from One-Lane-from-Two-Lanes? Answer: Exactly 597

Tuesday, May 17, 2016 A direct count of the number of homes and apartments in the Old North End that will be affected by Safety-Sizing five arterial streets revealed that 597 families will benefit from the One Lane From Two Lanes downsizing. The five arterial streets involved are Cascade, Nevada, Weber, Wahsatch, and Fontanero. That

How Many Families in the Old North End will Benefit from One-Lane-from-Two-Lanes? Answer: Exactly 597 Read More »

City of Boulder Colorado Cancelled One Lane from Two Lanes in a Commercial Area, Not a Residential Street

Monday, May 16, 2016 Critics of the Old North End Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Plan have pointed to Boulder, Colorado, as a city where one safety-sized street (one-lane-in-each-direction) had to be turned back to two-lanes-in-each-direction. It turns out there is more to the story than that. The street in question – Folsom Street – was

City of Boulder Colorado Cancelled One Lane from Two Lanes in a Commercial Area, Not a Residential Street Read More »

Right-Sizing Proposed for Research Parkway in the Briargate Neighborhood

Sunday, May 15, 2016 Editor’s Note- The original version of this article incorrectly stated that Research Parkway was being right-sized from two lanes in each direction to one in each direction.  We regret the error and have corrected it in the text below (5/18/2016) Far from being unusual or exotic, right-sizing (safety-sizing) is spreading widely

Right-Sizing Proposed for Research Parkway in the Briargate Neighborhood Read More »

Informational Meeting Concerning Bus Changes

December 16, 2015 Becky Fuller represented ONEN at this informational meeting about the bus changes. Becky shared the following documents with the ONEN board: Spring Service Change Maps Spring Service Change Summary Becky reported to the ONEN board that the proposed changes essentially will move the buses from Cascade and Wahsatch to Nevada. The initial

Informational Meeting Concerning Bus Changes Read More »

City continues concrete repair cost-sharing option for homeowners

City continues concrete repair cost-sharing option for homeowners If you missed out on the 2014 ONEN Sidewalk Replacement Program with Groninger Concrete, there is still a way to get a great deal on replacing sidewalks or curbs adjacent to your home. The City of Colorado Springs, with funding from the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority

City continues concrete repair cost-sharing option for homeowners Read More »

PPACG Public Meeting

Dear Community Members, The Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, El Paso County, City of Colorado Springs and City of Woodland Park are seeking input on an update to the Regional Nonmotorized Transportation System Plan. The plan will look at addressing current impediments to bicycling, walking and other non-motorized modes of transportation to increase those

PPACG Public Meeting Read More »

4th of July!

4th of July Decorating and Parade!   July 3rd: Decorate with us at the Steele Gazebo from 3-5pm   Free Patriotic decorations for the kids bikes! Cookies and lemonade!   July 4th: Ride in the Parade 9a at Boddington Park on Wood Ave   Join kids of all ages for the decades-old Old North End

4th of July! Read More »

HPA Activities

Sponsored by The Historic Preservation Alliance of Colorado Springs In Honor of Preservation Month Topic: “Shooks Run & Its Surrounding Neighborhoods” When: Saturday, May 25, 2013, 9:30 a.m. to approximately 12 noon Where: Begins with a presentation in the Worship Center at the First Lutheran Church at1515 N. Cascade Ave. and continues with a walking tour

HPA Activities Read More »

Sam’s Story

Sam’s Story Sam Aker is an 11 year old boy, soon to be 12, who lives with his parents, Dean and Kathy, and fraternal twin siblings in the Old North End. When he was four years old he was diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome, a rare and progressive neurological disease which is terminal. One of Sam’s

Sam’s Story Read More »

Ballot Issue Forum

Ballot Issue Forum Offered by the League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region Saturday, March 16, 2013 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. McHugh Commons, Colorado College 1090 North Cascade Avenue Issues to be discussed at the Forum: Trails and Open Space (TOPS) Speakers: Richard Skorman (For) and Susan Davies (Against) Pay for Council Speakers: Anthony

Ballot Issue Forum Read More »

ONEN/Penrose Hospital Design Guidelines Meeting

ONEN/Penrose Hospital Design Guidelines Meeting Wednesday, March 6, 2013 7:00pm-8:30pm First Lutheran Church-Fellowship Hall 1515 N. Cascade Ave. Following the construction of the Penrose Hospital Medical Office Building, the ONEN board formed a committee to work together with key members of the Penrose Hospital administration to establish design guidelines for future development projects within the

ONEN/Penrose Hospital Design Guidelines Meeting Read More »

Stone Soup

Help us Make Stone Soup So we aren’t making stone soup, but we do need your help providing the ingredients for our neighborhood entryway sign at Uintah and Nevada. We have identified a unique type of stone that is common in a lot of our homes and is found naturally in this region (Check out

Stone Soup Read More »

Home Research and Plaque Workshop October 20th

This workshop is a hands-on opportunity to learn the requirements for obtaining a historic house plaque and to begin a discovery process that may yield fascinating information about your home and its occupants. Meet with your ONEN neighbors, representatives of the Old North End Historic Preservation Committee, and the professional library staff and learn what

Home Research and Plaque Workshop October 20th Read More »

ONEN Security Forum Wednesday Aug 15th

ONEN Security Forum Wednesday Aug 15th Date: Wednesday, August 15th Time: 7 – 8:30pm Place: Fellowship Hall, First Lutheran Church 1515 North Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907-7416 ONEN has organized a special security forum for our neighbors. We will have presentations & discussions with Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD), Colorado College (CC) & Cheyenne

ONEN Security Forum Wednesday Aug 15th Read More »

ONEN Meeting with City on Pedestrian Safety

ONEN  Meeting with City on Pedestrian Safety Due to the numerous concerns voiced by neighbors over pedestrian safety in our neighborhood, especially around schools, City Staff* would like to meet with us to discuss the topic. The ONEN Board will be advocating safety measures outlined in the ONEN Master Plan which is detailed on ourwebsite. The meeting will

ONEN Meeting with City on Pedestrian Safety Read More »

City offers concrete repair cost-sharing option

ACT NOW TO TAKE ADAVANTAGE OF THE NEW CITY CONCRETE COST SHARE PROGRAM Concrete repairs to sidewalks and curb gutter adjacent to private property are ultimately the responsibility and liability of the adjacent property owner; however, when the Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority sales tax was passed in 2004, the City decided to allocate some

City offers concrete repair cost-sharing option Read More »

Neighborhood authors participating in 2012 Mountain of Authors Event

2012 Mountain of Authors Event Presented by Pikes Peak Library District Saturday, April 14, 2012 12:30pm-6:00pm PPLD East Library, 5550 N. Union Blvd. This free event will showcase authors of the Pikes Peak Region, including neighborhood authors Jennifer Wendler Lovell and Robert D. Loevy, co-authors of the book Exploring the North End Neighbrohood of Colorado Springs-

Neighborhood authors participating in 2012 Mountain of Authors Event Read More »

Taylor Elementary School Fundraiser this Friday from 6:00 – 8:00

The North End Community is invited to the Taylor Elementary School Chocolate Art Fundraiser 900 E. Buena Ventura Street, Friday, April 13, 2012 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm   Taylor Elementary School will be transformed into an art gallery. ·        View students’ art work ·        Make your own art project ·        Savor a home baked treat   There will

Taylor Elementary School Fundraiser this Friday from 6:00 – 8:00 Read More »

ONEN Loves Photos!

ONEN Loves Photos! Whether you are the type who never leaves home without your camera, or just happened to get lucky with a shot – we welcome your photo submissions Take pictures of your neighbors in action at area events, and send them along to us (including name(s) and any details about activity) – we’d

ONEN Loves Photos! Read More »

Are You ONEN’s Next Newsletter Editor?

Are You ONEN’s Next Newsletter Editor? Great opportunity for writer/editor to connect neighbors with news and updates from the Old North End Neighborhood. Work with an energetic, activist board and a talented, good-humored and accommodating art director to deliver neighborhood-specific information to 1,500 area residents. The Old North End Neighborhood News publishes three times per

Are You ONEN’s Next Newsletter Editor? Read More »

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